Navigating Germany: From M.Sc. Geoscience to MBA

I arrived a few days late. I had already booked a room in a shared apartment close to the university via ImmoScout24 so I didn’t have to worry about accommodation. Classes had already begun but it took a while before it dawned on me that I was actually back to school again and not…


Navigating Germany: The Visa Interview

I couldn’t sleep the night before! If you have ever lived in Lagos, you would know never to anticipate a good sleep the night before a 7 am appointment any distance from your house, especially on a weekday. I ended up arriving for my 7 am visa interview appointment at 5:30 am - of…


Navigating Germany: The Visa Application

I made my visa application from Nigeria in 2019. This was one of the easiest parts of my journey besides boarding the plane of course. Way too many things have changed since then. So here’s a ‘then’ versus ‘now’ comparison. I imagine 'now' is what’s actually relevant for you. Making the visa application Then:…


Navigating Germany: What I Really Wanted

I received just one admission letter. My undergraduate degree result was great - 4.71/5.00 (Nigerian scale) but still, I received 9 rejection letters out of 10 applications! However, I was doing a few things wrong. In my last post, I stated 4 main points to keep in mind when applying to German universities but…


Navigating Germany: The University Application Checklist

All that glitters is not always gold. I’ve learned this several times and I learned it again while applying to German universities. As I said in my previous post, this website is where you begin your academic journey to Germany but before you jump in, check out this checklist of things you should have…