What to do When You Don’t Know What to do

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It’s 8:30 pm on a Friday (as at when I wrote this). By the ultimate Lagos law, I should be either swayed by the excitement of a TGIF activity at this time or pumped up for a series of weekend turn ups but as you might have guessed, neither is the case.

I just took a practice test and I noticed how dusty my math skills are. I’m not a fan of ambiguous words so my English skills are also all shades of ugly. Torn between a couple of tough choices, I realized I’m missing every form of deadline that exists in my life. Just then, it hit me! Your head Dikachi, your head is full!

A simpler word I should use to illustrate the “full head scenario” is “stress”. Yes, stress! Most times we attribute this term to excessive physical activities but that’s not all. Just like physical stress, mental stress is simply the result of processing much more information than your mind can accommodate at a particular point in time. Simply put: “Biting more than you can chew”. But do we do this intentionally? No. We just keep mooooooooooving till we hit a block and for some, rather than taking an alternative route, or making numerous pauses, they keep trying to smash the block so they can get through and then BOOM! Depression stage one!

Enough of the plenty talk. Your head is full! What do you do?

  • Pray: Sounds cliché but nothing feels better than a one on one with God. Not the conventional thanksgiving – forgiveness – petition approach. NO PLEASE! Just say it according to how you feel it. Let’s be logical; if you call up a friend when you’re ultimately stressed (& I’m coming to that), would you first start by saying “Hey, Adam, thanks for being my friend and giving me a ride to work every day. I want to you know that I’m really sorry for coming out late yesterday and delaying you and I promise it will never happen again. I called because my head is full….” Nahhhh that’s not happening and you know it. The moment you begin to see the Holy Spirit as your personal friend, the easier it becomes to build a relationship with him. Thanksgiving and confession of sins are super important sincerely but really, sometimes just talk!
Imagine how she prays; no ambiguous words. What she feels, how she feels it!
  • Phone a Friend! If one doesn’t pick up, please phone another one! I mean this with all of my heart! Don’t wait till tomorrow, get it out now! Right now! If one is too busy, phone another one! Can I stress this enough? NO! Loneliness is depression’s biggest catalyst so don’t even think about fixing this mental stress thing on your own. I know what you’re thinking; “I should call Jane since she’s often stressed too so we can iron this out on a levelled ground” Dear you, this levelled ground will open up and swallow the both of you! Y’all will just keep wallowing in an aura of negative energy till you fade into blackness. Weak don’t pull up weak! The Bible even says “Iron sharpeneth Iron” not “Wool wooleneth Wool” Call up someone you perceive to be stronger than you at that point in time and tap from their strength. You’ll be glad you did!
In the beginning…
Two hours later…
  • Make a List: I learnt this list trick from an old friend. Now you’re done with number two but you’re not sure of the first move you should make. Well, this is it! Write it all down. Your fears, your worries, your concerns; write it all down. Then separate the things you have power over (like applying for a job or scholarship) from the things you don’t have power over (like actually getting the job/scholarship lol) and guess what you should focus all your energy on? Yup, you got that right! If you really need the job the most you can do is put in 200% in the application/interview. Can you bribe the HR to give you the job? Well, we don’t do that in my country 😉 but really why stress over what you have no power over?

It’s less than a month into a new year. If you’re anything like me, I’m certain your anxiety level will be over the top already but take this from me, this year, if you put in the right attitude, you’ll be blessed with everything you need. I cannot say when, I cannot say how but here’s why: you deserve it. You deserve nothing less than you genuinely desire.

Love, Peace,


This Post Has 36 Comments

  1. Chijioke

    Hey, thank you, I really needed this, this piece is just like a breath of fresh air.

    1. Dikachi

      Thank you for reading, Chijoke. I’m glad it had an impact!

  2. Ohanwe, E. Iyke

    I admire the flow, figures of speech, diction, the emotuons and the practicality. God bless your wisdom. I urge all to ahare so it gets to a wider audience

    1. Dikachi

      Thank you so much, Ella. God bless you too!

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